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Academic & Career Planning Portfolio Program

Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is intended to equip students and their families with the tools necessary to make more informed choices about postsecondary education, training, and / or careers for life after high school; essentially it helps create a road map for whatever is next. ACP is a part of DPI’s overall vision for every student to graduate high school academically, socially, emotionally, and life ready! The Lake Geneva Schools vision statement is: Creating and Connecting Opportunities for Excellence; ACP is just one of the tools and programs used to accomplish this statement. ACP helps students connect their time at Badger to their future successes.

Students at Badger High School in Lake Geneva graduate with a comprehensive Academic & Career Portfolio based upon their interests, strengths and individual educational plan. The purpose of this requirement is to encourage students to showcase quality academic work, discover their strengths, set meaningful achievement goals, and understand the relationship between academic achievement in high school and postsecondary career and educational opportunities. According to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), the intended outcomes of ACP are to: improve academic performance, improve social-emotional skills, give career guidance, and develop / attain postsecondary goals for students.

Badger High School implements ACP in many ways and in many places, primarily in Homeroom. To organize the lessons and learning opportunities for our students we utilize the online e-portfolio platform known as Xello; however, we strive to create lessons that are engaging, relevant, and meaningful for our students that puts them face to face with their peers, mentors, and teachers as we discuss their future. The information stored and organized in Xello can and should be used when applying for colleges, scholarships, jobs, and / or careers.

Quick Links

  • Career Clusters

    • All careers and jobs can be organized into 16 different “career clusters”. To learn more about the unique career clusters follow this link to the “careertech” page.


  • Transcripts