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Athletics Online Registration

YOU ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER ONLINE FOR ATHLETICS PRIOR TO PARTICIPATING. You will NOT be allowed to participate until you register online for sports, have a current physical on file in the athletic office and complete the impact test if it is required for your sport [football, soccer, basketball, wrestling, ski race and cheer]. 

If you have questions regarding Athletics Online Registration, please email Tami Buntrock, Athletic Secretary.


Register Online


Athletic Online Registration Instructions

  • NEW REGISTRANT: If you have never registered for a sport before, create your own username and password to use.
  • RETURNING REGISTRANT: If you registered last year, log in using your previously created username and password.  Click on the "register" button on the left side and click on your child's name to register for this school year.   DO NOT edit last year's information.  You must use the same username and password for each family member.  If you forgot your username, please email Tami Buntrock, Athletic Secretary.
  • RETURNING REGISTRANT: If you cannot remember your username/password that you used in the past, DO NOT add initials or nicknames to create a new account.  It then creates 2 accounts for your child and you will be notified to re-register.

Please note that blanks that are red have either not been entered or have been entered incorrectly. 

Step 1. Select Student. Student Information

  • Student ID: Leave blank
  • Grade: Select the grade you will be in during the upcoming school year -- Register in July.

Step 2. Select Activity

  • Select the sport(s) you are interested in. Hold down the Control “Ctrl” key if you are choosing more than one sport. Once you decide which sport you would like to participate in, notify the Badger athletic office by email or call 262-348-2000 x2260 so updates can be made.

Step 3. Parent/Guardian Info. Parent/Guardian 1 Information. Parent/Guardian 2 Information

  • Complete in full.

Step 4. Physical Forms. Physical Date

  • Click here to learn more about Athletic Physicals. 
  • The physical form can be printed from the online registration page (Step 6) or can be picked up in the Badger Front Office.
  • A copy of that physical needs to be turned in to the Badger Front Office or uploaded during the online registration process.  If your physical is in your current school’s nurse’s office you must get a copy of that physical and turn in to the Badger Front Office or upload during the online registration process. 

Step 5. Medical Information. 

  • Complete in full

Step 6. Others.  

  • Make sure you check all boxes, answer yes or no when asked and type signatures and dates.
  • Physical and Impact Consent & Questionnaire Downloads
  • WIAA High School Athletic Eligibility Information Bulletin
  • Concussion Information
  • Co-Curricular Code of Conduct
  • Consent for Athletic Training Services & Emergency Medical Treatment
  • Parental Permission
  • Electronic Signature Agreement